Thought I would start a new one since the other was getting long.
I'm sorry you had so much trouble with the links, I must not have explained it well. The home page looks great! one of the questions I asked was about the standards...I wasn't really sure if they're standards we're meeting as students making the website...or the standards the tools and other items we uploaded to the site meet. I still haven't gotten a response so I suppose we can wait on that for a little longer. Also, if you want to just post on here three more websites that I can add to the resources page. I added, and Maybe you could find a couple more kid friendly sites to even out the resources page a little? Otherwise I think it looks good. I'm writing one more lesson plan to set up a wiki page for the students to write about their garden and keep a journal about it. Do you think it would work best on the "Preparing For a Garden" page?? That's where I was thinking of putting it.
also, is that the final concept map? or do we still need to make additions and post a new one?
ReplyDeleteI tried to re-download the inspiration in another name and maybe it recognized my computer.. it let me download but then said it was expired.. That isnt the final one that is the one we didnt get graded for. Which I dont understand why? ... the concept map I think we need another one.. I wanted to make a kid friendly fun one.. I think i might try to downlaod it on my lap top and seed if it worksd that way., Then i can make a final one..
ReplyDeleteI think were doing a pretty good job also..
I was going to add a few more resources and I have one more lesson plan. I was going to add a page about technology in the classroom and put links to all the resources we used ie. movie maker, audacity, task stream. this is where my other lesson plan will fit into..
Im going to be getting this last page those resources and that map done now so if there is any last minute tweaking we should be good..
thats a really good idea. i'm going to tweak my pages a little bit. should we meet back on here at 8 to double check that neither of us have anything to add?
ReplyDeletethe technology page was the really good idea i was talking about...haha yeah let me know about the concept map
ReplyDeletealso we need to figure out the content expectations. i still haven't gotten a response.
ReplyDeleteoooh! and for that technology page post the link for this blog as well if it's not already on your list
ReplyDeletei know i'm posting a hundred tiny things...butttt there's a notice in her directions that says there shouldn't be a resource page. so maybe on the first page there's a video you can say you can create a digital story like this one using "blah blah blah" or something like that? then i'll have to plug in the websites as well throughout the pages from my page
ReplyDeleteOh.. also yes it would be good under the preparing for a garden page.. :) ..
ReplyDeleteSo far I added some childrens resources and a list of gardening book for children that could be used either in the classroom or the home.
I added us both to the Resource if you dont mind. that will give us 2 joint pages and 3 personal pages.. I think we did a great job..
O.K. I built the technology page and put it under sub page of resources.. But i wanted it to show up under the resources on the side bar to and it doesnt.. Not sure how to fix that if maybe you could help me with that?
I am downloading inspiration on my lap top now and will post a map on here.. If you think its good we can use it for our final. I wont be on much longer today until about 9pm.. I have to work from 11pm to 7am and nap from 6-9 .. But i think it is good..Any final touches you want to make and I think were about ready for submission..
Oh shit.. I didnt see any of your recent posts until just now...
ReplyDeleteSo we should take of the movie make and audacity thats cool.. its just 2 removals..
O.K. I removed those 2 resources and if you wanted to add like the wiki and stuff and put your name up there also sounds good to me..
ReplyDeletewell maybe it's not really a resource page because everything we've done during the year is incorporated throughout the pages....? also..."Be sure to include the "big bang" page.... what this semester has been leading up to." is another one of the directions and we haven't really done that either...
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck is a big bang page?
ReplyDeletelol that's the whole description. making a page that tells what the semester has been leading up to?? I starting moving some websites around...
ReplyDeleteO.K. so im thinking i might never be done.. I guess I still need another original lesson plan or something?
ReplyDeleteor get sleep before work.. :(..
ReplyDeletei'll do as much work as i can. but the site you found I already have up on the caring for a garden page.
ReplyDeleteo.k. was that for kids? i can't remember shit.. also.. i made a concept map pod cast and want to move the two podcasts to a new page that I attached to prepparing for a garden.. Again I do not know how to make it on the side bar? What else do we need to do?
ReplyDeleteis that the final concept map?
ReplyDeletealso i added those pages to the sidebar
ReplyDeletewhere did you want them? sorry i'm like having a random conversation.
ReplyDeletethe technology one yes.. The concept map i linked to the bottom of preparing.. so maybe it should go up under that tab? What ever you think is best..
ReplyDeleteThe final concept map.. well i made that new one but that was really just to show how simple and complex.. Im not sure what to do to the other one though.. Any thoughts?
and were both having random thought have like 10 in a row..
ReplyDeleteit says on the assignments list that the final inspiration was due december 5th...but didn't you e-mail her saying that we both already used our free trials? did she ever respond to you?
ReplyDeleteHey what about just connecting the GLCE to the glce site? since we dont have an answer
ReplyDeleteyes. i did.. and i do not believe so let me check..
ReplyDeletethat's what i was thinking too.
ReplyDeletesince you have the technology page i'm going to integrate the rest of the websites into the other pages and take out the additional resources
ReplyDeleteI dont see anything. I sent her another email about this and about the grade for the other concept map submissions.. hopefully she will understand and it will not become an issue. we only have 2 people we should not be penalized for that. What do we have left to do on this?
ReplyDeleteAlso i think the technology page totally counts as the big bang page
ReplyDeleteI'm going to rework the resources page so it's not just resources. give me a few minutes if you wanna just look over the assignment again and see what we have
ReplyDeleteThe opening page must contain standards that the web site meets and should be taken from Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations and ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards for Students: The Next Generation.
• DONE Must use one of the templates found in Google Sites -- be sure to choose the most appropriate layout and theme.
• DONE Each web page needs to contain an image. Be sure there is a different image on each page.
• DONE All graphics and related materials need appropriate copyright/ownership notices.All graphics and related materials need appropriate copyright/ownership notices. Remember, when you search on Google Images, Google Images should NOT be cited .... it needs to be the web site that Google Images found the image.
• DONE The navigational bar needs to be organized in the order it should be viewed.
• DONE Be sure to use the Visual Design Principles when creating the team web site.
• DONE Western Michigan University logo which is linked to Western Michigan University's home page, using URL address (see below under Resources for correct logo). This logo MUST appear at the bottom of the first page on your web site. It should not overwhelm the page.
• DONE Be sure to include the "big bang" page.... what this semester has been leading up to.
• DONE At least 2 web pages for each student member of the team -- what you will need will be decided with the team to make your web site useful and easy to navigate.
• DONE Each web page needs to contain one or two new items of information not given throughout the semester -- ideas, lesson plans, etc. for your topic. All items of information must have a short description of what they are.
• DONE Each group member needs to create one original item -- such as a lesson plan, a podcast, etc. (Word searches and crossword puzzles do NOT count!). Each original item needs a short description of what it is.
ReplyDelete• DONE Each page needs to contain the name of the student that created it.
• DONE Each page must contain an email address. This can be to a team email or a single team member's email.
• DONE The opening page must contain a description of information that can be found on the web site.
• DONE Each Lesson Plan (both 1 and 2) of each team member must be linked in an appropriate place on the web site and must NOT contain the name of the person who created it (other than what is already on the lesson plan). Please put the name of each lesson plan with a description of it. Do NOT call them Lesson Plan 1 or Lesson Plan 2. NOTE: You need to go into TaskStream, your lesson plan, go to the bottom of the template, and go to "Generate a Link". This will give you the URL to use on your web site. Each Lesson Plan needs a short description of what it is.
• DONE Each Digital Story of each team member must be linked in an appropriate place on the web site and must NOT contain the name of the person who created it (other than what is already on the movie). This will be an URL of your YouTube video. Each video needs a short description of what it is.
• DONE Group ePals write up and Google Map assignments must be attached with a description.
•DONE Collaborative Podcast must be attached at the bottom. (If it is too big, you will have to upload to YouTube and then link in the appropriate place on the web site). Then your podcast must be linked in an appropriate place on the web site and must NOT contain the names of the persons who created them (other than what is already on the podcast). Podcast needs a short description of what it is.
• DONE Final Collaborative Inspiration Concept Map must be inserted in an appropriate place on the web site and must NOT contain the names of the persons who created it. The concept map needs a short description of what it is.
• DONE Link to Collaborative Blog in an appropriate place on the web site and must NOT contain the names of the persons who have posted it (other than what is already on the blog). Blog needs a short description of what it is.
• DONE I THINK All team members web sites that were used for the Web Site Evaluation need to be linked on the web site -- each link needs a description of the web site. DO NOT use the web evaluations, just the URLs. They should be plugged in an appropriate place on the web site and must NOT contain the name of the person who evaluated it. Each URL needs a short description of what it is.
• DONE Each team member must find three (3) additional web sites. These web sites may contain teaching resources, lesson plans, and interactive web site resources as long as they pertain to the topic - each link needs a description of the web site. They need to be plugged in appropriate places and must NOT contain the name of the person who found them. Each URL needs a short description of what it is.
LOOKS LIKE WE GOT IT... rESOURCE PAGE LOOKS GOOD.. i added just now an email to one page looks like we rock stars..:)
ReplyDeletei'm still working on it!
ReplyDeleteI wish this thing would update on its i could see when you respond.. but for somw reason mine doesnt i have to post something for it to pop up..
ReplyDeleteokay check it out now?
ReplyDeletecan i just leave my name on that page? so we have an even number of pages?
ReplyDeleteAccording to the email i just received if there was not a 3rd person to do the part then we will not loose points for it and it will be adjusted accordingly.. the 0's are just to hold a place but it will get resolved..
ReplyDeleteyou can put your name anywhere you like... you definitly deserve it.. :)
ReplyDeleteokay thank goodness that's getting worked out...
ReplyDeletelooks amazing..
ReplyDeleteare we good? Just submission?
ReplyDeletei'm going to fix the standards and submit it.