Tuesday, October 26, 2010

lesson plan 2

I honestly don't know what about our project can have data collection.  My first lesson plan was on weather and it's effects on gardening, so I can't really do that again, but we also need to update our concept map.  Let me know if you have any ideas, especially for things that can have data collection.  My kidspiration trial is expired, so you'll have to create the updated one.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

week of 10/18/10


Looks like this project is not necessarly joint either except to make sure that were not making the movie about the same topic. I think we can make it about the lesson plan. So I am going to continue with that.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Google Docs

Above is our group google docs assignment.

(T. Shepherd/K. Woodard)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


o.k. im trying to get this map over here and im not real sure how either. I will keep trying and if not I will be on here at 8:30 tonight.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Module 5

I can't figure out where the templates are in TaskStream.  Because we are each doing our own lessons, mine will be on weather & gardening.  Weather is one of the science benchmarks in elementary school.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

module 4

I made the map, I posted it, but with the google doc I have a mac and I don't have right click. I don't know how to get it on here so can someone please do it. thanks.

Google Map

Agriculture Map in a larger map">

We decided to create a route from our school to our e-pals passing through different agricultural regions to be discussed and compare and explored in class.  Each agriculture region has different climates, soil, and crop growth.  Also across the country there are different flowers and gardens.


Is Arizona where our students are from or where their e-pals are? We need to create a googlemap and it's also do tonight.  I created one and I think you accepted the invitations.  I just made it so anyone can edit it. We could do a map marking places across the country by agricultural region.  I'm looking at a website that talks about 10 different agricultural regions  www.usda.gov/news/pubs/factbook/002a.pdf  That's the site to the pdf file I'm talking about. So a route can be made  from where ever our classroom is to our e-pal classroom, maybe passing through some of the regions.  Let me know if you can or cannot see the pdf.

Google Docs

I have created the google docs folder and added Emma as an editor and Ms. Woodard as the Viewer, but I do not have James' email? Please let me knw if you can not see the google documents.